After careful consideration, we have decided to revise the policy. The ARA Board...
Repossessors face significant administrative hurdles when it comes to cutting and programming keys,...
Fees, Time to Repo, Forwarder Assignment Volume, Recovery and Redemption Rates On Thursday the...
EDITORIAL The arrival of a new year is typically a time for celebration,...
EDITORIAL Earlier this month, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shared a...
National Automotive Service Task Force – NASTF Locksmithing in the repossession industry-From the desk...
While the repossession industry enjoys a long-awaited increase in recovery volume, the long-standing...
Meeting Details & Next Steps ARA Members, As part of our ongoing member advocacy...
ARA and PAR Meet on New Contract Issues Take it or leave it does...
The ARA Marches on Capitol Hill A Successful Day on Capitol Hill for the...
CALR Introduces Agency Controlled Repo Storage Bill “Any charges payable by the debtor to...
The Storage Problem: Diving Into the Data The definitive formula to calculate costs for...
Mercedes Benz and Harley Davidson Repo Fees get a Bump The $1,200 Repo Fee...
It’s True…Because It’s True GUEST EDITORIAL When considering solutions to industry-related challenges, we must...
ARA’s Continuing Education Series This month’s topic: Rev Up Profitability: How to Make More...
Price Fixing? Guest Editorial It has been brought to my attention by numerous members...
It’s Easier and More Important Than You Think Editorial One of the more common...
ARA Past Due Forwarder Invoice Survey Results We had an overwhelming response to the...
Positive Changes from Capital One – Pre-Approved Flatbed Fees Positive Changes from Capital One...
State Repossession Associations Express Gratitude to Capital One August 8th, 2023 – On behalf...
AFA Thanks Capital One for Preapproved Flatbed Fees In a bold move, hopefully design...
Deadline Friday July 27th Over the past weeks, I’ve been hearing a recurring and...
Throughout 2022, the repossession industry was experiencing massive payment issues with one of our...
State Repo Associations Reach Deadline in Efforts to Discuss Flatbed Fees Cost Cutting with...