
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Santander Prepares for Full Enforcement of 10 Minute Check in Mandate

25 June, 2018 – In an email broadcast sent last week from ALS Resolvion to it’s agency network last week, notification of full mandatory compliance with their mandate of a 10 minute status check in requirement on the RC Mobile App prior to every repossession will be enforced, with non-complying agencies being blocked in the future beginning by the end of July.

The email, sent by Danny Mullen, Post-Repossession Operations Director/ Vendor Relations Manager at ALS Resolvion is posted below.


Dear Valued Agents,

Since the implementation of the RC Mobile app, Santander has made it a requirement to check the app within 10 minutes of processing any repossession. The check-in process helps ensure that the account is an open and an active repossession.  We have received communication from SCUSA that they are moving quickly towards enforcing this requirement.

Furthermore that have informed us that they will be monitoring the issue closely and that by end of July they will begin to block agents that are not complying with this requirement.  This applies to both SCUSA and CCAP accounts.

Please make all users aware of how to properly use RCM, including checking in within 10 minutes prior to actually repossessing the vehicle.

Thank you all for your cooperation’s in this matter.

Danny Mullen

In a later email communication to clarify the desired intent of this mandate, Danny Mullen followed up with a more detailed communication;

Happy Saturday to my valued agent partners,

 Wanted to clarify the email that was sent out Thursday regarding the new Santander initiative.  From my understanding from the email received from Santander regarding checking the accounts. 

  Step 1. 

Within 10 minutes BEFORE recovering any Santander account they simply want you to check the status to confirm the account is still open and active. This will ensure that there is not a wrongful repossession, and cover not only Santander, but the forwarder including ALSR, and you our valued agents. 

  Step 2. 

Within 10 minutes AFTER recovering the vehicle simply click the on hook function in RC Mobile. This will alert Santander that the vehicle has been recovered, and will allow for their collection team not accept payment. 

  *By no means are they requesting you to stay on scene for longer than needed to actually recovery the vehicle. 

  As always if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me directly. 

  Once again thank you for everything you all do for ALSR. 

  Danny Mullen


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