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Plate Info or Body Armor: Why Do We Have To Choose?

Plate Info or Body Armor: Why Do We Have To Choose?
Plate Info or Body Armor: Why Do We Have To Choose?

ARA’s Continuing Education Series

This month’s topic: License Plate Info or Body Armor: Why Should We Have to Choose?

It’s not common knowledge for our industry partners…

For most recovery agencies, license plate information is one of the largest annual expenses outside of payroll and benefits, easily reaching into multiple five figures per year.

The thing is, lenders have the plate information already…so why is it so difficult for that information to make it into the hands of the recovery agent without paying for it?   Sometimes multiple times!


We often treat plate info as “just a cost of doing business.”

But we think it’s time for that to change. 

Our agents in the field are in more danger than ever before. More agents suffered violent attacks (many deadly) in 2023 than any year prior.  That trend continues.

The money we spend on plate information could go a long way to equipping our agents with body armor and body cameras, safety gear that could save their lives.   

We have a few ideas to solve this dilemma, and we’ll share them with you on Wednesday, February 28th at 2:00 pm EST.

Join long-time ARA board member, Marcelle Egley, and Vice President of the California Association of Licensed Repossessors (CALR), Mike Farhood for a frank discussion around this important topic.

Is there a solution to this?  We think so!  Join us to be a part of the discussion.

Plate Info or Body Armor: Why Do We Have To Choose?


This Month’s Presenters:

Marcelle Egley

ABA Recovery Service, San Diego, CA and ARA Treasurer & Secretary



Plate Info or Body Armor: Why Do We Have To Choose?Michael Farhood

President/Founder at Benchmark Asset Resolution, Inc.

Vice President, California Association of Licensed Repossessors (CALR)


Plate Info or Body Armor: Why Do We Have To Choose?

Plate Info or Body Armor: Why Do We Have To Choose?

Plate Info or Body Armor: Why Do We Have To Choose? – Plate Info or Body Armor: Why Do We Have To Choose? – Plate Info or Body Armor: Why Do We Have To Choose?

Plate Info or Body Armor: Why Do We Have To Choose? – American Recovery AssociationARARepossess – Repossession – Repossession AgencyRepossessor – Repossession ViolenceRepossession Murders

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