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NFIB reports: Record Share Of Small Business Owners Report Difficulty Filling Positions

NFIB reports: Record Share Of Small Business Owners Report Difficulty Filling Positions

On behalf of American Recovery Association, Inc. (ARA), I received this today from the NFIB.  It is clear the conversation at NARS 2021 just two weeks ago that defined this as a serious issue was correct.

It is of the utmost importance that the ARA work very hard to help our members and the industry find creative solutions to help alleviate this problem.


Dave Kennedy

President, American Recovery Association

Record Share Of Small Business Owners Report Difficulty Filling Positions

        Bloomberg (10/12, Pickert) reported, “A record share of small-businesses owners – 51% – said they had vacant positions they could not fill in September, according to data from the National Federation of Independent Business. A record 42% of small firms said they raised compensation, and nearly a third indicated they plan to do so in the next three months.”

        NBC News (10/12, White) reported that according to NFIB Research Center Executive Director Holly Wade, “It’s an incredibly difficult time for those who have open positions to find and attract applicants. For many of them, they’re not receiving any applications — there are just no résumés coming in right now.” NBC News added, “despite the contraction in job openings, Wade said, the labor shortage remains a cloud hanging over economic recovery. ‘I don’t see that this issue eases any time soon…Small-business owners are planning to have to deal with this well into 2022.’”

        Marketplace (10/12, Ryssdal) reported, “There’s a lot of competition for workers, said Holly Wade…because 5 million people still haven’t returned to the labor force.” Wade is quoted saying, “It’s still working out child care disruption issues, school disruption issues, and also for those navigating what their next job will be.”

        Wisconsin Business (10/12) quoted NFIB Wisconsin State Director Bill G. Smith, who said, “Small business owners are feeling less certain about the future as this latest survey shows. Labor shortages and supply issues continue to challenge Main Street businesses here in Wisconsin. … Unfortunately, the challenge for small business owners is that the economy is breaking records in the wrong direction. A record 50% of our small business owners are reporting they are unable to fill job openings. That’s a 48-year low. Another low is that small business optimism over the next six months has decreased to the lowest reading since 2012.”

        Inside Indiana Business (10/13, Mills) quoted NFIB Indiana State Director Barbara Quandt, who said, “Small businesses have historically led the economy out of nearly every recession. However, NFIB’s data from our small business owners has the country as well as Indiana trending in the wrong direction.”

American Recovery Association – ARA

NFIB reports: Record Share Of Small Business Owners Report Difficulty Filling Positions

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