Gustavo Macedo was running an LPR camera car in Chicago’s west side community of Lawndale when he was senselessly murdered. Now, while still struggling with the emotional damage of their loss, Gustavo’s family is reaching out for help with his funeral expenses. Despite any differences the men and women of this industry may have with each other, we have a long tradition of stepping up and helping our own and I hope to see everyone do so now.
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Gustavo’s brother, Martin has set up a GoFundMe page to help with expenses. Below is his statement on Gustavo.
As some of you may have already heard, the heartbreaking news of the loss of my little brother Gustavo. On Sunday, January 30, 2022, at about 2 am, my brother was fatally shot and killed in the city’s west side Lawndale neighborhood due to a robbery gone wrong. During the time of the incident, my brother was working repoing cars. My family and I are struggling to process this loss and how he was taken from us. Detectives are still investigating the cause of his death, and unfortunately, my family does not have any more information regarding this tragic loss.
Gustavo was the youngest out of 6 siblings and will always be remembered as the little brother that acted as the big brother. He enjoyed spending time with his family and friends. Whether he was at home cooking, grilling or simply just hanging out at his favorite vape shop. Gustavo was very loving towards the people he cared about. He was always willing to give a helping hand when needed or without being asked. My brother would come over to my house on the weekends just to get away for a while.
My siblings and I are hoping that everyone will contribute their favorite memories of my little brother on our Go Fund me page, along with helping us raise the necessary funding to cover part of the funeral costs.
Thank you for taking a moment out of your day to read about my little brother Gustavo.
I have briefly made contact with the agency owner and out of respect and keeping the name of this agency out of my site until they are ready to make a statement. This is especially hard on all of them.
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