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RABF to Manage Hurricane Relief Fundraising for Repossession Industry

RABF to Manage Hurricane Relief Fundraising for Repossession Industry

RABF to Manage Hurricane Relief Fundraising for Repossession Industry


The Recovery Agents Benefit Fund has been asked by the leaders of American Recovery Association, Allied Finance Adjusters Conference Inc., Time Finance Adjusters, CALR, RSIG and by the editor of CUCollector to step up and to accept donations for those who may be affected by Hurricanes Harvey which struck the Gulf and Irma which made US landfall this weekend in Florida.

Last month in Dallas, Texas at the North American Repossessors Summit, $30,700 was raised for the Recovery Agents Benefit Fund through donations and a live auction.  The RABF will start this Hurricane relief fundraising effort by ear marking those funds specifically for those affected by the Hurricanes.  The need is now and the continuing needs of those in hurricane affect areas are urgent.

One repossessor in Beaumont, Texas has lost his home and is still as of yet unable to get to it to see the full extent of the damage.  It has been reported by other Texas repossession agency owners that their employees have sustained personal losses as well; and we are certain as the area recovers that more will be affected.

One thing that we know for sure is that while clients to continue to cease repossession activities in affected areas many repossession agents will struggle with meeting day to day expenses as income coming in comes to an abrupt halt.

From today until at least the end of September (maybe longer depending on the needs of Harvey, Irma and what happens with Jose and Katia), every donation received by the Recovery Agents Benefit Fund will be earmarked for Hurricane relief efforts.  This will include any funds that are raised at the Primeritus Agents Meeting coming up in Nashville, September 27-29, 2017.

If you’d like to make a donation, please go to our website at  Here you can make a 1 time donation, set up recurring donations and purchase raffle tickets for the Slide In Unit donated each year by Anthony Gentile and Dynamic!

If you are a repossessor affected by the hurricanes and need assistance, you can reach out to the fund by emailing Funds set aside for disaster relief will be available until those specified funds have been exhausted.






Edward Marcum

RABF Fund Administrator


Kevin Armstrong


Allied Finance Adjusters (AFA)

American Repossessors Association (ARA)

California Association of Licensed Repossessors (CALR)

Time Finance Adjusters (TFA)

Recovery Specialists Insurance Group (RSIG)

RABF to Manage Hurricane Relief Fundraising for Repossession Industry – Repossession – RepossessRepossessionRepossession Agency – – RABFRecovery Agents Benefit Fund        

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