
Where the repossession industry gets its news

The Recovery Agents Benefit Fund (RABF) Needs Your Help!

RABF_LOGOPress Release

The Recovery Agents Benefit Fund (RABF) is being called upon again to assist a family in Arizona, who last week lost a husband and father to five young sons ages 5 to 15.  Seth Williams lost his life when another driver did not see him and turned in front of him, while he was driving his motorcycle home on Feb. 12, 2014.  Seth was just 35 years old.

When his employer reached out to us, the RABF was quickly able to respond and assist this family during their most difficult time.  But the RABF needs your help to be able to continue with this important work.

Years ago, when word of a repossessor’s injury or death occurred, donations quickly followed.  Then with the turn in the economy and the slow recovery those donations have essentially stopped…. A troubling sign of the times.

Thanks to the generosity of Anthony Gentile and Dynamic Manufacturing, fundraising efforts have continued at industry functions where the RABF is given the opportunity to sell raffle tickets for a Dynamic Slide-In unit that is provided year after year.  But even those sales are down.  Of the 3000 tickets printed for the 2013 raffle less than half were sold.  The odds of winning were great for those who bought tickets…Congratulations to Chuck Coward of Action Auto Recovery in California

In 2014, so far, the RABF has been called upon to assist 3 families and we’re only 49 days into the year.  Think about that…in just 49 days, 3 repossessors have died and left behind families who desperately needed their support and now have to figure out how to do it on their own.

In an industry that continues to be fragmented, the RABF is one place where everything should be set aside, where repossessors can come together and show support for one another.  But supporting the RABF should not be left solely in the hands of repossessors; vendors, service providers, clients and lenders should also step up and support this industry.  Repossessors serve a vital role in the financial adjustment industry.

To all those who have donated in the past, your support and generosity are greatly appreciated.  To those who may just be learning about the RABF, donations can be made via PayPal at our website (, or can be mailed to RABF, PO Box 4102, Manassas, VA 20108.  To those who have heard of the RABF, but have not donated, we ask you to think about what would happen if you were to find yourself suddenly in the position of having lost your loved one, or the financial provider for your family, not knowing where to turn and no or very little other means of support.  And if you’re an employer of someone who has received assistance from the fund we ask you to remember how much of a help the funds were to that family, and ask you in return to support the fund that supported you or someone you’ve known. It’s time to pay it forward!

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