Dear recovery industry professionals, The Collateral Recovery Industry was hit hard by both Federal...
New Partnership Facilitates On-Site Vehicle Inspections and Fast, Transparent Transactions for ARA Member Inventory...
While we are not going to be able to network in person this year,...
In light of the ongoing struggles in our industry, now magnified by the pressure...
“I would encourage you: be informed – knowledge is power.” Matt Bevin Mike Pepilnski...
As businesses and the recovery industry as a whole continue to face uncertainty amid...
FROM THE INFORMATION DESK AT ARA “I would encourage you: be informed – knowledge...
Dear recovery industry professionals, The White House, Senate, and House of Representatives are involved in...
What You Need to Know from ARA Vehicle hygiene has become a major point of...
GUEST EDITORIAL The shut-down of a major part of the national economy has affected...
Wednesday, July 22nd 1:00 p.m. CST On July 22nd, join us for a question...
A Very Important Letter from ARA President, Dave Kennedy – To our partners in...
In April, some good friends suggested that I write a book chronicling the history...
You may have heard about pending legislation in Washington that if passed, could threaten...
“Setting Uniform Standards for Operating in a Changed Environment” Dallas, TX – 27 May...
ARA – “Recovery Operations in a COVID-19 Environment” Dallas, TX – 27 May 2020...
We are excited to announce the industry has raised over $40,000 in just a...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Repo Alliance is a collaborative fundraising effort initiated and backed...
While we wish we had all been together at NARS last week, we hope...
GUEST EDITORIAL 5 May 2020 – I recently read the “McClellan Brief” with article...
As the repossession industry muddles through these contradictory and unprecedented times, we are quickly...
Friday, May 11:00 p.m. CST This Friday, May 1st at 1:00 p.m. CST, The American Recovery...