
Where the repossession industry gets its news

REPO2021 New Speaker Announcement

REPO2021 promises to be the event you’ve been wanting and waiting for, for more than a year now.  Our speaker line up continues to grow and is essential to what the repossession industry needs today!

JUST ANNOUNCED!!!!  REPO2021 hosted by Recovery Specialist Insurance Group and Allied Finance Adjusters Conference are bringing to our attendees a speaker who is on the front lines of examining regulatory and legislative policies regarding auto finance at all levels of government.

This speaker is well versed in the repossession and collection moratoriums that have plagued this… your industry for the last 12 to 18 months.  He has been working tirelessly with lenders nationwide to try and leverage the power of the lending communities to stop or slow down bills like those in California, Illinois and Massachusetts.

He understands that no one in politics is ever going to openly side with the repossession industry, so he works hand in hand with specifically the Auto Finance arm of lending to collectively support, represent and defend the essential processes involved in collection and repossession and more importantly empowers those in industry to be able to find their own voices and how to advocate for themselves the right way and to the right people.

His organization is in the trenches working to get things done – and is actually doing it!  He’s speaking and offering Q & A at REPO2021 at the Southpoint Hotel, Casino and Spa.  Want to hear more?  You have to attend to learn more!  Get registered today at! 

Allied Finance Adjusters – AFA

Recovery Specialist Insurance Group – RSIG

Eagle Group XX

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