Are you thinking about what to send your clients or give to your staff for Christmas? Let’s face it, no one wants a fruitcake and your company swag is probably either stale or has probably been done before. Perhaps it’s time to give them something they’ve never seen? In that case, there’s no better gift than a copy of “Repo Blood – A Century of Repossession History.”
Repo Blood is the one and only written history of the repossession industry and is loaded with over a hundred years of stories and odd facts about the industries unique origins, never before
brought together. Fortunately, I’ve had the honor of having access to some of the industries most respected veterans who shared their knowledge, insight and tales that provided much of this previously unwritten history.
This book is dedicated to the fallen, wounded and forgotten men and women of the repossession industry. It is as well for their Families and the generations of men and women who have labored over the decades to scratch out a living in it.
Repo Blood is available through most online book sellers including Amazon and Barnes & Noble as well as direct from the publisher Archway Publishing.
To honor of your industries history and educate others, please spread it far and wide!
Order Lots and Order Early to Assure Delivery Before Christmas!
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