
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Another FINAL NOTICE to Primeritus

Another FINAL NOTICE to Primeritus

“Georgia agents have agreed to stop accepting any Primeritus assignments effective Friday September 9th, 2022, until these past due balances are settled.”

Dear Primeritus Family of Companies,  

August 29, 2022 – On March 8th, 2022, a memo went out to talk about the challenges Primeritus has encountered in getting agents payments to them in a timely matter. It further discussed the course of action and stated that this backlog of invoices owed to agents would be completed within 30-45 days.

            The Georgia Association of Licensed Repossessors has decided that Primeritus has not only not held to their word but is determined to look the other way and no longer willing to address this situation at hand.  After speaking with many Georgia agents over the last few months regarding this nonpayment issue, it appears nearly all have experienced the same frustrations. You have unfairly placed the burden of this issue upon your agents, this includes time consuming tasks such as repeatedly submitting invoices and spreadsheets to no avail.

            “We as an association, members and non-members alike, are calling attention to this matter. This can no longer be ignored.”

We are asking that you pay all invoices that are over 45 days past due by Friday September 9th, 2022. We are also asking that you be transparent in announcing your newest course of action to your entire agent network, as again we have heard nothing since March, and it appears Primeritus has since replaced its CEO.

In closing, Georgia agents have agreed to stop accepting any Primeritus assignments effective Friday September 9th, 2022, until these past due balances are settled.      

Georgia Association of Licensed Repossessors

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