Every year at this time, I feel compelled to write one of those hokey “Year Gone By” editorials and never go through with it. Aaaand, I’m not feeling too compelled to do this year either. 2019 was one hell of a year. For better or worse, time will tell, but there is only one constant in the Universe, and that is “change.” 2019 was a year that the Universe gave us all a reminder of that fact.
This was a year marked with the consolidation of companies, expansions of national agency networks, agency acquisitions and the retirement of many industry veterans. A year where, even I, the Drum Major of the anti-forwarding movement, went to work for a forwarding company for awhile (go ahead, call me a hypocrite, I earned it.)
Regardless of how dramatic 2019 may have been for everyone, something tells me that we haven’t seen anything yet. I expect more major changes down the line in 2020 and let’s all hope it is for the best.
While we can not control every aspect of our world, we can control how adapt to it and evolve with it.
I am forever grateful for all that this industry has given me and in 2019, I was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to expand my network through my short lived work for Resolvion through whom I met and made friends with so many new people, across the nation in numerous events and in numerous cities.
To all of you that I’ve known through all of these years, I just want to take a moment to thank you all for supporting CUCollector/CURepossession through all of this time. So many of you have become like family to me and I am forever thankful to you all.
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year in 2020!

Kevin Armstrong
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