Sheriffs Office Unable to Retrieve Gear for Two Days
San Antonio, TX – 10 September 2018 – After two days of attempts, the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office said it has finally retrieved a county-issued AR-15, ballistic vest and radio from the trunk of a SWAT team member’s vehicle that was repossessed Friday.
The SWAT officer, whom KSAT is not naming because he is not facing any charges, nor is he named in any reprimand documents, had his vehicle repossessed from a Far West Side apartment complex and had his county-issued gear in the trunk of his vehicle.
The Sheriff’s Office said that after two days of unsuccessfully trying to get in contact with the owner of the lot, they made contact Sunday and retrieved the equipment Sunday afternoon.
“Internal Affairs is looking into the issue surrounding the repossession,” Elizabeth Gonzalez, a spokeswoman for the Sheriff’s Office, said.
Gonzalez said that the equipment was “secured” in the trunk of the vehicle and that the vehicle was taken to a secure lot.
The sheriff’s office sent the following statement when asked whether it was standard practice to leave county-issued firearms in one’s vehicle:
“Sheriff’s policy states that County owned firearms shall not be stored in motor vehicles except in very unusual circumstances. BCSO Internal Affairs is investigating this incident. We will provide updates when they become available.”
Source: KSAT.com
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