“Nate is a Superhuman or a walking miracle. He is HOME!!“
When 39-year-old Nathan Moore of Sun West Recovery was stabbed multiple times during a repossession attempt on March 12th, his injuries were so serious that he had to be medevac’d to the emergency room. After enduring lifesaving surgeries, a chest tube, dozens of stitches and even more staples, the road to his recovery appeared long and challenging to say the least. But Nate is clearly a fighter and has accomplished something that most would have deemed improbable, if not impossible, just days ago. He went home.
Below are some updates on Nate from his wife Ginger
UPDATE 3-18-21
Hey all, Sorry for the delay. I got Nate settled in and as soon as I got into bed next to him, I passed out. Apparently, I needed a nap.
Today’s update:
Nate got his chest tube out around 9:30am. They also removed 22 staples and 10 stitches. Mind you those are the ones that were safe to remove. He still has many, many more. He was also taken off the oxygen.

At about 3:30pm they did an X-ray to see how his lung was doing on its own. They found that his lower right lung isn’t inflating all the way on its own. They determined that he can go home, but will have breathing exercises to strengthen the lung.
We are both so very happy to have him home. now it’s time to rest, recover and renew.
Huge thank you to everyone who has sent love and encouragement. To those who have donated and shared, you can’t imagine the amount of stress that has been relieved.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
UPDATE 3-19-21
Hey all!
We are all so very glad to have Nate home after being in the hospital for a week.
He still has trouble finding a way to get comfortable, but when he does he is able to sleep so much better in his own bed. His appetite is slowly coming back and his spirits are 1000 times better. He even laughed today. It felt so good to see him smile.
We can’t thank everyone enough for the outpouring of love and support. We never in our wildest dreams thought that we would have so much support in such a time of need.
We truly mean it, even if you can’t donate it still means a lot to have you share the page, send cards or even just reach out and check in.
Thank you all so very much!!!!

The outpouring of support, both financially and through cards and prayers, has been truly remarkable. To date, almost $15,000 of the $25,000 goal has been raised to help support Nate, Ginger and their children through his recovery, but he still has along way to go. So please, if you haven’t given yet, there is still time and there is still a need.
For all the negativity and vitriol that permeates the repossession industry, it is times like this that remind us of just how remarkable you all can be when you are unified with an open heart. There is little doubt in my mind that your prayers, well wishes and donations have aided him both spiritually and physically. While he has come so far so quickly, his road to recovery is still a long one and your prayers and help are still needed.
God Bless you all.
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