
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Please Participate in Our “State of the Repossession Industry Survey”

Time is running out on our “State of the Repossession Industry Survey!” The response has been very positive, but we would like to see more participants as possible to create a stronger data pool. We would really appreciate your participation to make this the strongest representation of the industry as it stands today.

Take the Survey Here!

Under the circumstances of the national crisis and localized moratoriums on repossessions, many agency owners have been facing new challenges that were just five months ago, unimaginable. Even in the past three months since our last poll, we are seeing dramatic changes to fees as well as COVID-19 actually affecting agencies and their employees directly. With that in mind, we crafted some new questions to address how agency owners may be coping with these new issues.

Last poll received over 200 participants and we hope to see at least that many this time around. It is very important to answer honestly and objectively, we need to know what is, not what you want. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes, so please find the time. Polls will be closing on August 30th, so please participate today!

See May’s Results Here!

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