Massachusetts collateral repossession professionals: We are living and working in unprecedented times. As our economy sputters, our industry is squeezed on every side by Massachusetts’ current regulatory environment. Furthermore, sustainability in our industry becomes increasingly difficult with insufficient fees.
To address these challenges, we are excited to announce the formation of the Massachusetts Association of Professional Recovery Agents (MAPRA). Our Board of Directors, in conjunction with our member companies, is dedicated to redefining the collateral repossession industry in Massachusetts. We will do this by working to be recognized as an industry of top professionals with the highest levels of education and ethical standards.
More specifically, MAPRA intends to drive value for our members by offering:
- Training and education through American Recovery Association (ARA) and Allied, the nation’s largest associations of collateral recovery professionals;
- Compliance education, training and marketing through Recovery Industry Services Company (RISC), the leader in compliance training;
• Insurance guidance and support through industry leader, Harding-Brooks;
• Legislative advocacy and assistance;
MAPRA will be accepting applications for membership, associate members, vendors, and honorary members. If your collateral repossession company is based in or performs work in Massachusetts, we encourage you to become a member. If you have ever felt powerless against restrictive Massachusetts collateral repossession laws, please become a member. If you have ever wanted or needed the power of a unified organization to represent your concerns, please become a member. Lastly, and most importantly, if you are concerned about the direction of the collateral repossession industry in Massachusetts and how it might impact your livelihood, please become a member.
MAPRA’s website is up and running. If you are interested in becoming a member please download the application at
We look forward to progressing collateral repossession practices in Massachusetts and representing our collective interests in both local and state legislatures.
“In union there is strength.”
Wendy Sousa –
Steve Diantgikis –
Danny Campbell-
Jennifer Moran –
Tim MacDonald –
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