
Where the repossession industry gets its news

MA Man Arrested for Threatening Repossession Agent with a “Dangerous Weapon”

Hint: “You’re gonna put your eye out kid.

Westborough, MA – 9 March 2021 – A man armed himself to stop his car from being repossessed. Arriving officers arrested him for “assault with a dangerous weapon.“ That weapon, according to police, turned out to be a BB gun.

Police arrested Erik P. Stasiowski, 40, at his 9 Chestnut St. home at 9:14 p.m., Detective Sgt. Steven Tompkins said Tuesday.

The tow truck driver told police he had gone to the home to repossess the vehicle when Stasiowski confronted him.

“He came out as they were trying to take his vehicle,” said Tompkins. “He came out holding what appeared to be a firearm.”

The tow truck driver, thinking it was real, called 911. When police showed up, the discovered the weapon was a BB gun made to look like a real gun.

“They look exactly like a regular rifle,” said Tompkins. “He took matters into his own hands and ultimately he was arrested.”

It is not clear whether Stasiowski made a verbal threat, but having the rifle in his possession when confronting the tow truck driver put the other man in fear, Tompkins said.

Police arrested Stasiowski and charged him with assault with a dangerous weapon and disturbing the peace.

Stasiowski was ordered held on $500 after his arraignment Monday in Westborough District Court, and is due back in court next month for a pretrial conference.

Source: Milford Daily News

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