Billy Ray Orr – 28 May 1968 – 2 July 2020
I know that we are extremely late to report this, but on July 2nd, the repossession industry experienced it’s first COVID-19 death. Billy Ray Orr, the owner operator of Sundown Tow and Recovery from San Antonio, Texas, reportedly acquired the virus through purposeful contagion by a borrower in May during a voluntary repossession.
According to a statement by Billy Ray’s widow, in May, Billy Ray was in the process of recovering a voluntary repossession when the borrower came out to engage him. Purposefully and repeatedly coughing on Billy Ray, he claimed that he had the virus. Apparently, he wasn’t lying.
On June 2nd, Billy Ray was admitted to the hospital having difficulty breathing. Testing positive and diagnosed with double pneumonia, Billy Ray was placed on a respirator three days later, where he spent the remainder of his life.
Unable to speak or even enjoy the comfort of visiting family, Billy Ray fought on alone. Hoping to benefit his long-term recovery, doctors felt it necessary to perform a tracheotomy on June 25th.
Unfortunately, Billy Ray remained on the ventilator until his passing on July 2nd.
Billy’s funeral services were held on July 10th at the Texas Funeral Home Chapel in San Antonio, Texas. His obituary can be read here.
Billy is survived by his wife, Dalia, three sons and three daughters. According to the families GoFundMe page, set up early in Billy Ray’s battle, the entire family contacted the virus save his wife and one granddaughter.
It was inevitable I suppose. I’d already heard from three agency owners who each had two employees test positive for COVID-19 and fortunately, all of those I had heard recovered. This inevitability is, unfortunately, and for the most, preventable with reasonable protective measures. Measures we’ve all discussed ad nauseum for months now.
Reportedly, Billy was not wearing a mask or any PPE at the time of recovery. Maybe it’s hard for some to believe, but a simple mask, gloves or a face shield may have saved his life.
Measures such as using PPE, gloves, sanitizers, masks, shields and safe distancing have become standard practices in almost every store, restaurant and bank across the nation by now. It must be remembered, that these measures require time consuming changes to procedures as well as expenses to implement. Expenses that these aforementioned industries have all been able to absorb into their costs for services. Unfortunately, the repossession industry does not have the luxury of simply increasing their expenses, like everyone else.
Most every major lender and forwarding company have held repossession rates flat for over thirty years. This stagnant fee, in the face of ever rising costs, has put the industry in the precarious position it is now. As is, most professional repossession companies have been absorbing these expenses in hope that lenders would recognize the need for reimbursement through “COVID-19 Recovery Fees” to help their companies and employees survive.
Unfortunately, many major lenders and repossession forwarding companies do not seem to be taking this need seriously, as I have heard of several of each who are refusing to pay these fees.
The repossession industry was having difficult enough times before, but has now been crippled by repossession moratoriums, shelter rule liabilities and massive reductions in recovery volume. For lenders and forwarding companies to deny payment of fees to offset safety expenses during these times is demonstrative of the very soul of these companies.
These fees are desperately needed in order to help maintain safety to the public and the recovery industry. Your support of these fees are sorely needed to for the survival of the repossession industry that serves you.
Please remember the Recovery Agents Benefit Fund (RABF) still needs everyone’s help to provide financial aid to families impacted by critical injuries and deaths in the recovery industry, as well as helping to pay funeral expenses for fallen agents like Billy Ray. Please remember to give.
Stay healthy and stay safe,
Kevin Armstrong
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