
Where the repossession industry gets its news

A Letter from the ARA President – April 2021

Welcome to Spring! Over the last twelve months, most of our industry has had very trying times. We suffered losses on both personal levels and business levels. Today, I find myself confident in the resilience of our industry. Many things are changing with new technologies, consolidation and client demands, but reports are coming in of business returning, and that is always a good sign.

As an association, ARA continues to move in a positive direction. Over the past four years of my Presidency at ARA, we have gone from just being a mere marketing book to the voice of the collateral recovery industry. Our compliance and safety program continues to evolve and become the most recognized source of education in the nation. We look forward to this program continuing to grow and gain more national attention.

Through various industry partnerships we have brought education, insurance, reward programs, business assistance in human resources and hiring, and we continue to grow and make the industry aware of new technology coming our way. Soon, I hope you will hear about a new revenue stream ARA is working on to bring to you that is completely different than any other. For the first time in the history of the recovery industry, ARA has led the way in putting together the Repo Alliance, which to date has staved off any legislative action putting moratoriums on our industries businesses.

The one thing still negatively impacting our industry is fragmentation, with everyone from Washington to technology partners has listed this as our major problem. It’s not new news to us, but our inability to make it happen is life-threatening to our industry.

We will continue to move our industry forward; we will continue to rise above the quagmire that has held us down, but your individual energy and voices are the tipping point. Join me today in fully realizing the impact and meaning of “united we stand, divided we fall.” Stay safe and healthy


Dave Kennedy

ARA President

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