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Eagle Group XX Now Offering Cyber Tracking and Skip Tracer Compliance Training Modules

C-TACT (Cyber Tracking Agent Compliance Training©) &  S-TACT (Skip Tracing Agent Compliance Training©)

The members of Eagle Group XX, recognized as belonging in the ranks of the top skip tracers and cyber trackers in the world, largely attribute their success and international recognition to the fact that they share their knowledge, tools and tricks of the trade and sources with all members within group.

After reviewing the training programs available related to skip tracing and cyber tracking the members of Eagle Group XX came to the conclusion that there was a need for an “affordable” and “real-life” training program designed and produced by the men and women who are daily involved in the actual tracing environment and this band of professional tracers, with recognized subject matter experts such as Millard Land,  Peggy Chapman, Sam Corolla, Kenny Barnes, Ron Brown and other members of the group committed to sharing their closely held knowledge with all professional members of the asset recovery industry.

The result of their efforts was the creation of the C-TACT and S-TACT modules on skip tracing and cyber tracking. These two modules explore the tools and techniques used by these “Professional Cyber Trackers” and “Traditional Skip Tracers” who daily ply their trade seeking to gain location information on consumers and missing collateral both in verbal contacts and in a cyber space environment.

The professional tracers of Eagle Group XX desired to ensure the recipients of this training program had a clear understanding of the current laws, technology and trends related to cyber tracking as well as the ability to explore the sphere of the human mind where the spoken word is the key to extracting information from a relative, friend or co-worker. With these objectives the two modules were designed to not only look at the silent world of Cyber Tracking but also at the science of Neurolinguistics and how we can move a person to give information, using receptor friendly and compelling words.

The C-TACT and S- TACT Modules, a collaborative effort on the part of all Eagle Group XX members, is intended to provide the user, with “take away tools” that can be used to increase and enhance their ability to better understand the specialized field of Cybertracking and Traditional Tracing. The C-TACT and S-TACT Training Modules are also designed to provide the user with the required knowledge, skill sets, sources and techniques utilized by professional Skip Tracers in this very specialized and exacting profession and ensure that the training allows the recipient to  become a “SKIP TRACER” and not a “SKIP GUESSER”.

The professional tracers of Eagle group XX understand that the proper management of a skip tracing case requires skill, cunning and tenacity. A professional Skip Tracer must always be alert for the spoken and unspoken word, like an investigator they must ferret out information, sift it for relevance and constantly search for clues which will solve the puzzle and locate the missing person or property. The two-part module has been designed to prepare a person with average skills to advance to a superior skill level and succeed where others have failed and consist of the following sections.


Section1: Identifying and Understanding the Skip Consumer

Section2: Understanding Laws That Affect Skip Tracers/Cybertracker

Section 3: Tracing/Cybertracker Fundamentals

Section 4: Cybertracking


          Section 5: Intangible Communication Tools

Section 6: Communication Skills

Section 7: Neurolinguistic Skills

Section 8: Development and Use of a Sourcebook

Section 9: Development and Use of a Flowchart

Upon completion of the C-TACT and S-TACT modules the tracer should possess the knowledge and abilities to:

  • Develop proper identification skills which will indicate why, when and where the consumer has gone.
  • Understand and comply with the laws that regulate the activities of a Skip Tracer.
  • Identify the characteristics and patterns of the person being traced.
  • Recognize the skills sets required by Cyber Trackers and Skip Tracers.
  • Understand the equipment required, costs involved, the required security and the training involved in the tracing process.
  • Effectively get information from Confidential Informants.
  • Identify various closed and open sources of information.
  • Develop a personal Sourcebook and Flowchart to aid in the tracing process.
  • Successfully pass the required testing program associated with the C-TACT and S-TACT Modules and obtain their Professional Tracer Credential.

As the professional tracers embedded in the ranks of Eagle Group XX say, “GOOD LUCK AND … GOOD HUNTING”

For information related to this training program, available to any professional in the asset recovery industry please contact Ron Brown at or call on the EAGLE GROUP XX HOTLINE 800-411-1844.

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