
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Repo Man Locates Stolen SUV with Christmas Gifts Inside

xmas_tow_truckFinneytown, OH – January 6, 2014 – The oft maligned skills of a Repo Man were used for the positive as a retired cop turned repossessor located an SUV stolen on Christmas from a family’s home which had also been ransacked of gifts. The bonus, some gifts were still inside.

An aromatic thief broke into the home of Dino and Robin Costanzo’s home on Christmas Day while they were celebrating at a relative’s house by throwing a brick through their front window. The thief, who left a pungent odor of cologne, stole cash, jewelry, laptop computers and the couple’s GMC Yukon. The vehicle was packed for a hunting trip and had two shotguns and gift cards in it.

The Costanzos SUV was recovered by Ed Monahan, a retired Cincinnati Police detective who repossesses cars during the winter months. Monday afternoon, Monahan was looking for a vehicle in College Hill when he spotted the Costanzo’s SUV.

“So I was just checking every street going up and down. When I saw that I thought, geez, that looks like the one I saw on TV,” Monahan said.monahan

Monahan remembered the license plate contained the numbers 1 and 8 surrounded by letters. He saw the vehicle parked on Faircrest Ct. and drove by a second time to verify the license plate number. He called police and went to the Costanzos’ home to tell them he had found the vehicle.

“It gives you a good feeling to hopefully help solve it. But nobody got caught so nothing’s really been resolved so far,” Monahan said.

And that’s the big question: Who broke into the Costanzo’s home and stole their stuff? Only the burglar knows. But the Costanzos are glad they have their SUV back and they know they have Ed Monahan to thank for it.

“People that are in that line of work and they really have a knack for it. And he no doubt has a knack for it . And so yeah, I’m just thrilled to death,” Dino Costanzo said.

“I can smell the same cologne that I could smell in my house so he was wearing some kind of weird cologne,” Costanzo said.

“$425 in gift cards are still here. That’s huge. That’s huge,” Costanzo said.

Monahan remembered the license plate contained the numbers 1 and 8 surrounded by letters. He saw the vehicle parked on Faircrest Ct. and drove by a second time to verify the license plate number. He called police and went to the Costanzos’ home to tell them he had found the vehicle.

“It gives you a good feeling to hopefully help solve it. But nobody got caught so nothing’s really been resolved so far,” Monahan said.

And that’s the big question: Who broke into the Costanzo’s home and stole their stuff? Only the burglar knows. But the Costanzos are glad they have their SUV back and they know they have Ed Monahan to thank for it.

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