
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Three Busted in Bungled Repo Breakout

jail_rowsGainesville, FL – May 22, 2013 – With bolt cutters in hand, two men and a woman crept along the fence of Hyde N Seek Recovery with the intention of breaking in and stealing back a repossessed car. It didn’t go well for them.

Gainesville police responded to a call from an employee of Hyde N Seek Recovery, at 1354 NW 53rd Ave., who witnessed three people, later identified as Dalton Cassel, 18, Christopher Duval, 20, and Juanita Love, 36, creeping along the fence line of the closed business, according to a Gainesville Police Department report.

According to police, the repo company employee claimed that Cassel was acting as a lookout while Love and Duval stood near the fence. When they spotted the employee, all three walked away.

Police report that Duval and Love hid in the woods as officers arrived. A responding officer talked to Cassel, who allegedly admitted that they were going to use bolt cutters to cut the fence to retrieve Love’s repossessed vehicle.

Duval and Love were soon located at the Kangaroo gas station at 5310 NW 13th St. where their get-away ride had just arrived, according to the report.

The pair of bolt cutters belonging to Duval were allagedly discovered along the business’ fence line next to cuts to the fence that the business owner verified were fresh.

The trio were arrested on charges of attempted burglary, attempted grand theft auto, and possession of burglary tools. They were all being held Tuesday in the Alachua County jail.

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