
Where the repossession industry gets its news

FLACARS Helps in Passing of Nations Toughest Repo Legislation

flacarsPalm Coast, FL – April 30, 2013 – In an announcement to FLACARS members, Jamie Blackburn, President of FLACARS, announced the passing of Florida’s SB1330, which promises to be the nation’s toughest legislation against unlicensed activity. This legislation goes as far as making it a felony for recidivism in offenses as well as injury during the course of a repossession.

Below is the announcement from FLACARS;

“Thanks to FLACARS and the Council of Presidents as of July 1st, 2013 we will have the toughest unlicensed activity laws in the nation! Below is a link to the new bill, which will go in effect July 1st, 2013. Read it, talk about it, and send your input. This is the legislation FLACARS and its paid members came up with in 2009, and is now coming to law. We want to say thank you to all who helped and stuck by us through the years to make this reality.

I personally want to say thank you to several people who inspired and guided me along the way through the last four years. Thank you to Marion Hammer, the single largest defender of the Constitution I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Thank you to K.C. Poulin for the guidance and brotherhood always shown by you. Thank you to Tim Orouke and Lori Weems for all your support.

Jamie Blackburn
President FLACARS”

To Read the entire legislative bill, CLICK HERE!

Editors Note: I would like to personally congratulate and salute Jamie and FLACARS for showing the power of a state level association dedicated and focused upon upholding and maintaining the professionalism and integrity of the repossession industry. While many may feel that the states don’t do a very good job in enforcement, having the legislation and penalties in place provide the states the initiative and incentive to increase their focus on protecting the public through it’s enforcement and help drive out the unsavory and illegitimate people who degrade the industry. Great job folks!

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5 thoughts on “FLACARS Helps in Passing of Nations Toughest Repo Legislation

  1. Thank you Jamie. You and your organization are setting the best example of why it’s so important to include all the state repossession associations on the NARS planning committee. I look forward to working with you in the future as we continue to do our best to bring more good news to our brothers and sisters in the industry…

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