Employs Natural Language Processing (NLP) & AI/Machine learning to detect potentially violent situations & enable rapid intervention
For Immediate Release
December 18th 2023, Milpitas, CA. DisplayRide Inc., an innovator of safety-in-mobility solutions, has augmented its SafetyCam solution with a new safety feature that detects potentially dangerous situations in real-time and allows for rapid intervention.
There is considerable research that indicates that violence is almost always preceded by verbal cues that signal this outcome. By monitoring a verbal interaction, therefore, such situations can be identified pretty accurately, consistently, and more importantly, almost immediately so some action can be taken to prevent it.
DisplayRide has introduced a new feature, called DART (for Danger Alert in Real Time) on its SafetyCam Repossession Monitoring Platform. This feature analyzes the verbal interaction between repossession agents and borrowers in real-time, and using advanced machine learning models, identifies the sentiments that are emerging in that interaction.
The models are intelligent enough to detect a wide swathe of potentially negative, undesirable, concerning and even dangerous situations. Using NLP and AI/ML, they can identify if the interaction is becoming toxic, profane, sexual, violent, threatening, derogatory, insulting etc. And based on this, automated alerts are sent both locally and remotely (to the repossession agency & others) so immediate action can be taken to diffuse the situation.
“Vehicle repossessions are becoming intolerably dangerous and it is imperative that it must be addressed”, said Abdul Kasim, CEO, DisplayRide Inc. “There have been far too many fatalities already in 2023 and we strongly believe that we can take measures to at least mitigate this, and that is what we have done by introducing DART feature on our SafetyCam”, he added.
“DART employs state-of-art NLP& AI/ML to perform sentiment analysis in real-time, and further differentiates the SafetyCam from other bodycams in the market”, noted Navin Jethani, CTO, DisplayRide Inc.
The DART feature will be available on all new SafetyCams; existing customers will have their software updated with this capability automatically. For more information: info@displayride.com
DisplayRide is the market leader in innovative safety solutions purpose-built for the mobile Gig economy, and the Repossession industry. Its flagship product, the Rideshare Monitoring Platform, is rated the # 1 cloud-based solution for rideshare community. More information: www.displayride.com & repo.displayride.com
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