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Wife lands husband in Jail over assaulting repossession agent

Wife lands husband in Jail over assaulting repossession agent

Fruitland Park, FL – June 22, 2022 – For the unnamed repossession agent, it began as a typical discussion during a repossession. Things went sideways when the woman’s husband came out, gun in hand, allegedly. But it was his wife that landed him in jail.

According to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office arrest report, on Tuesday the 21st, an unnamed recovery agent went to the Fruitland Park Blvd. home of 61-year-old Jimmy Dan Stanford to repossess a black Chevy Trail Blazer.

His wife emerged from the residence and was engaged in conversation with the agent when out came Jimmy Dan, reportedly armed with a small caliber pistol. Receiving the obligatory “Get off of my property and don’t come back!”, the agent did the wise thing and got into his truck ready to leave.

As he backed up, he reported to police, that he saw Jimmy Dan in his rearview mirror pointing the gun at him. The agent later advised police that he was “extremely fearful” that Stanford was going to use the gun on him.

When questioned, Jimmy Dan admitted to officers that he argued with the agent but denied threatening him with a gun. Jimmy Dan reportedly even told officers that they didn’t even have a gun. A statement that his wife soon contradicted when she went into the house and emerged with the pistol which she handed over to the officers.   

Jimmy Dan Stanford was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Jimmy Dan was booked at the Lake County Jail on $5,000 bond.

Source: Villages


Wife lands husband in Jail over assaulting repossession agent – Villages News.comRepossession Violence
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