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Eagle Group XX Pays Recognition to Their Best

Press Release

06/01/2019 – The Executive Board of Eagle Group XX is proud of the status and position in the recovery industry their members have achieved over the last nine years. At a recent meeting the board decided to recognize some of the members for their outstanding efforts to secure quality business from clients who appreciate a job compliantly and successfully performed and who are the clients that are willing to pay a fair price for a professional service.

As many of you know the document review and storage firm, Commercial Asset Management Corporation (CAMC) has been doing our “ON-SITE” inspections either in person or via the revolutionary “VIRTUAL REALITY INSPECTION”. They use industry knowledgeable inspectors who are aware of  what is required for compliance in the asset recovery industry  instead of people who have no idea what to look for and what is actually required of an asset recovery agency for true compliance. 

Bob Stankovich and Jerry Farese of Peak Services Corporation

The board recently requested that CAMC provide a quarterly rating of  EAGLE GROUP  member agencies who have met and exceeded the  requirements for total compliance in order that we might recognize those agencies and I am proud to announce the first, named after an  Eagle Group XX  member who always had his papers in order, “MILLARD LAND COMPLIANCE AWARD”  is presented to Jerry Farese and Bob Stankovitch owners of The Peak Service Corporation  (EGXX 16) , covering Pennsylvania and New Jersey. An on site audit of their agency yielded a 100% compliance score with all requirements met or exceeded.

Peggy Chapman of Speedy Recovery

The board is also pleased to announce the first recipient of the  “HARVEY ALTES MEMORIAL SERVICE AWARD”  presented to the Eagle Group member who has gone above and beyond what is expected to promote  Eagle Group XX , giving of their time and money to obtain high quality business for all members of the group. The recipient of this award this year is Peggy Chapman owner of Speedy Recovery,  (EGXX 01) , located in Las Vegas Nevada. Peggy has attended numerous trade shows in Nevada, California and across the nation working tirelessly to promote our group with credit unions and automobile finance companies as well as other trade groups and is noted for her colorful and eye catching displays where she is constantly passing out  Eagle Group XX  material.

Tim Koskovics, USA Meridian

Last but not least the board presented their highest recognition award,  “THE EAGLES CLAW AWARD”  to a member  who for the last nine years has, and who continues to tirelessly work to promote and maintains what can only be described as  “the things that are highest and noblest in the asset recovery industry”. This years award is presented  to  Eagle Group XX  member Tim Koskovics, owner of USA Meridian in Youngstown, Ohio.  (EGXX 05) . Tim has, from day one, traveled across the United States attending numerous trade shows and conventions where he is an advocate for compliance and professionalism making sure that  Eagle Group  members are recognized by clients and industry members as the “best of the best”. 

The Executive Board of Eagle Group XX salute these members and appreciate all of their hard work.

In order to insure that they will be able to refer clients to well trained and compliant agencies the members of Eagle Group XX formed a new division less than 60 days ago and is pleased to announce that with the formation of the Eagle Group USA Forwarding Network the total number of Eagle Group members has now reached an all time high with over 50 members creating a footprint that covers the United States, Canada and areas of Mexico. Reaching this level of membership has allowed the Eagle Group XX to  achieve their set goals of phase I and enabled the group to move forward to phase II.  . 


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