
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Get Excited for the North American Repossessors Summit Just Two Months Away!

For Immediate Release

When asked to join the NARS Planning Committee, I was honored and of course, willing to participate.  Having literally grown up a child-entrepreneur and lived and breathed the recovery industry my entire life, I can genuinely say I’ve experienced all the ups and downs there is.  Having started in business at such a young age and in this industry, I have become successful and wealthy, just to lose it all, and then regain it all back and then far more than I ever had.

I’m semi-retired now, and many have asked “Why is Scott involved? What’s in it for him?” The answer:  To give back to the industry and touch as many lives as possible with all that I’ve learned and all that I am.  I certainly enjoy the finer things in life and anyone that knows me knows I love nice cars and planes, but no amount of material wealth gives me the same joy – that state of being – as empowering and teaching those who are ready to wake up to what’s possible in business and in life.  To wake up to their capabilities and resiliency, and to create wealth in its true form is to me, to ‘Awaken the BadAss Within’ in all areas of your life and live the best life possible for yourself and others.   

And I can promise you this:  This event is for everyone! For anyone attending, it doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, what your background is, vendor or client, lender or provider; you’ll learn how to achieve your goals, become more successful and create wealth. 

You will find more value in attending this event above any others you’ve attended. 

Much to my surprise, when I first began working with the NARS committee and sharing just some of my story, it quickly became clear that even people who have known me for many years didn’t fully know my story.  People were actually surprised to learn that I had personally repossessed cars for many years, and likely more than most! I also learned there are many rumors and stories out there, some with me walking on water, while others have me standing their with a pitch fork and horns. 

Having been deeply involved in the industry for so many years, I naturally assumed people knew me.  I was wrong, and there’s a story here that will help everyone who attends in some way.  I’m honored to help and to be speaking at the event and look forward to seeing you all.

Over a series of articles leading up to NARS, I will give background to the speakers, themes and workshops we have planned to unveil what’s in-store for us all, get you excited, enthusiastic, and with hope, bring us all into a positive mindset so we may all get the most out of this event.

Some things to know as the days tick by leading up to the event and what to expect:

·      Anyone that knows me well enough, knows that I believe fully in the motto “Go Big or Go Home!”  This event is going to be epic!  We are expecting a much larger crowd this year with an estimated 1,000 attendees.  There’s talk that the annual event may be held at a much larger venue next year as attendance is reaching new levels and outgrowing the capacity of The Omni Hotel at Las Colinas. 

·      I’m personally contributing many thousands to the event to ensure it’s the most epic event you’ve ever attended. This means you have a chance to walk away with more money in your pocket and more value overall.

·      Informative: Typically, people come to the event to have a good time and unwind from the busy work weeks over the past 12 months. This year, we will still have a good time, but the goal should be to come and learn how to become truly wealthy and to grow as entrepreneurs and professionals.  We have a great strategy to motivate everyone to come, to start participating before the event, and to come away from the event richer than when you got there!

·      What you’ll learn will help you not only with your business, but with life!   

·      Who should come? Everyone!  From field agents, spotters and camera car drivers, to lenders and clients all, to Forwarders and their teams… this event is for everyone and not just the industry!  Yes, there will be industry specific topics coming your way, but personal and professional growth is what we’re bringing this year!

·      Giveaways: Don’t be the one that doesn’t go to the event, just to find out later that you could have won something! Expect sponsorships, raffles, giveaways and many of them!  The cost of your total expenses to get there may be pale in comparison to what you go home with.

Hold onto your hats! It’s GO-TIME!

It’s going to be an amazing ride, an amazing journey and if you fully participate, you will not be disappointed.

Make sure to sign up before March 15th to save $100 on the price of registration.

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