
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Allied Finance Adjusters Launches New Repo Co-Op – Pinnacle Repossession Organization (PRO)

Good morning Allied Members,

If you missed the Mid-Year Convention last month, you missed a great meeting! One of the big reveals made at the meeting was the launch of Allied’s new repossession Co-op—PINNACLE REPOSSESSION ORGANIZATION (“PRO”).

Allied has retained the services of Ms. Judy Barnes to manage the new company and she is ready to get business started!

Attached is a list of Agent Qualifications for those Members who wish to apply to provide repossession services on accounts sent through Pinnacle. Only Allied Members are eligible to serve as field Agents for Pinnacle (and it is possible that not all Members will qualify).

  See Agent Qualifications Here!

The last page of the attachment is a Request For Consideration that will begin the process for approval as a Pinnacle field Agent. Those of you who wish to add this possible income stream to your portfolio need only fill in this form and email it to Judy Barnes at She will contact you when additional information or paperwork is needed.

Pinnacle is a stand-alone company that is owned by Allied and by the Allied Members that allowed a small portion of their 2018 dues to be used to start this project. Each field Agent will also reap the benefits of ownership in the Co-op.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Judy, call or her at 512-214-8233 or reach out to her from the Pinnacle website: Please welcome her to the Allied Family!

Each Member should also pass this word along to your brothers and sisters in Allied. The sooner we have enough Agents to support a workload, the sooner Judy can get out and let the clients know that their repossession account needs can finally be met by a group of professionals who are unified, who trust and respect each other and who can be trusted!

The idea is to make your work profitable again by developing an environment where compliance is natural because it is “compliance based on trust”. We can do this when every party in the process of dealing with defaulted secured loans is part of the trust equation. We can do this together!




Allied Finance Adjusters
(800) 843-1232

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