
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Eagle Group XX – Meltdown And Spectre Threatens Agency Computer Systems With Massive Breaches


10/25/2018 – At the annual “Fall Gathering of the Eagles” Conference in Dallas Texas earlier this month one of the continuing education programs attended by the group addressed the very important and timely issue of “CYBER SECURITY” and how to insure our computer systems were secure to protect the very valuable and classified information supplied to recovery agencies by the various lending institutions.

In the IT world catch words such as “Meltdown and Spectre” have become common place and systems are continually being attacked and penetrated by malware, ransomware, cryptojacking and botnets. Cryptomining has surpassed Ransomware as the number one threat to our agency computer systems and our agencies and employees are continually subjected to an unrelenting attack from hackers who specialize in computer phishing

Asset Recovery Agencies may not consider themselves targets for cyber-attacks due to their small size or the perception that they don’t have anything worth stealing. However, recovery agencies have valuable information cyber criminals seek, such as consumer records which include Non-Public Personal Information (NPPI) including social security numbers, date of birth, residence and business addresses, bank account information and other valuable personal data and finally the recovery agencies computer systems offer access to larger networks. In some ways, asset recovery agencies are at a higher risk of cyber-attacks than larger businesses because they often have fewer resources dedicated to cybersecurity. The members of Eagle Group XX feel this is a very important issue and as such wish to share their training program with the entire industry. Below, find resources and materials to keep your asset recovery agency cyber secure. If you have any questions or wish to receive the Cyber Security Training Power Point do not hesitate to contact the Eagle Group XX facilitator, Ron Brown the EGXX 24/7 assistance phone line 800-411-1844 or by email at also please visit the EGXX web site at .

Attachment Size
Small Business Tip Card 152.48 KB
Small Business Presentation (PDF) 508.01 KB
Small Business Presentation (PPT) 546.15 KB
Entrepreneurs Tip Card 151.42 KB
FCC Cybersecurity Planning Guide 334.74 KB
FCC Small Business Tip Sheet 259.5 KB
DHS Cybersecurity Overview 151.8 KB
DHS Industry Resources 161.54 KB
Mobile Security Tip Card 152.12 KB
Mobile Security One Pager 151.94 KB
Social Media Guide 180.59 KB
Cybersecurity While Traveling Tip Card 149.32 KB
Internet of Things Tip Card 146.25 KB
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