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Hurricane Preparedness Tips from a Survivor

Outside the home of Corey and Bryanna Cox of Asset Resolutions, after Hurricane Harvey


I swiped this from Facebook and thought it worthy of publishing. My friends Bryanna and Corey Cox own Asset Resolutions out of Houston, Texas and are Hurricane Harvey survivors.

I’d like to share some tips on hurricane preparedness. I know many of you have been through storms before but Harvey was our first and there was so much we didn’t know, or think of

  1. Double and triple check on your insurance. You definitely want to make sure you have content coverage. Take pics of every room, every drawer, every closet! Insurance won’t cover everything but it’s better than receipts.

2.  If you have a second story try to move anything you love or of value upstairs. If not use your attic or load your truck/car. We were only expecting 20-24” and we got over 50”. Don’t take chances with things that can’t be replaced. Tabletops and shelves wont cut it. Your gun safe is only waterproof for so long and up to a certain amount of water. Get waterproof bags or boxes to protect your important paperwork. Unload your guns and take them with you if you leave. Looters will come to abandoned neighborhoods.
3. You can empty your dishwasher and put things in it but remove the drain pipe and seal it or water will eventually flow into it too. Stuff it with plastic and duct tape plastic around it.
4. Have to go bags ready. Put essentials for a few days in plastic trash bags then duffle bags. Turn off your breakers and water if you leave.
5. Stockpile water, batteries, flashlights, bug spray, diapers, wipes, toilet paper, non perishables. You can pack a cooler or box to grab and go if you have to. Fill up all your gas tanks.
6. Have an ax and other small tools. If you are staying and have to go in your attic, take your ax. People died here because they couldn’t get out of their attics.
7. Take a wrecker home. You won’t regret having it. We moved most of our units to auction before the storm hit. If you can’t, move them to the highest point of your lot. Unplug all your computers, phones, etc and put them up. Put your most valuable collateral on your flatbeds and car haulers. Or move them to a local parking garage. It won’t be noticed in the chaos. Make a list of where each unit is. Sandbag your office and lot. Put crash wrap first against windows and doors and then pile the sandbags. Take pics of everything including how you prepared.
8. Fill your prescriptions. Get extra pet food. Take your most important paperwork. Back up your computers. If you don’t have a hard drive use a service like crashplanpro dot com.
9. If you are staying have extra gas, fill up your bathtubs with fresh water. You can use this to wash up, flush toilets, etc. you can fill Tupperware’s or baggies with water and freeze to have extra ice. A generator is always a good idea.
10. Charge all your portable electronics. Download the Zello app and know what your channel is to stay informed. Have a portable USB battery and make sure it’s charged too or get a converter for your vehicles.
11. Stay safe. Work together. The people will be your greatest resource through this. Our citizens were here long before the national guard was deployed.

And just know you are not alone. The Repo Calvary may be a rag tag motley crew but in The thick of it you can count on us.

Bryanna Cox

Asset Resolutions


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