
Where the repossession industry gets its news

TX Repo Man Injured by Borrower

Wichita Fall, TX – 22 March 2017 – A Wichita Falls Repo Man attempting to repossess a pick-up, received injuries after the borrower allegedly tried to tear his truck free from the wheel lift.

Police said they were called to the 5200 block of Professional Drive after receiving reports of a disturbance. When they arrived they found two males in an argument. After breaking the two men up officers identified one of them as 31-year-old Christopher Smith and the other as a tow truck driver there to repossess Smith’s truck.

After talking to the men and witnesses, officers discovered that as the tow truck driver was attempting to hook up to the pickup to tow it away, Smith came running out and jumped In the truck. He then reportedly began driving forward and backward trying to get off the tow truck, hitting the tow truck multiple times. The pickup ended up on the sidewalk and the grass in front of the apartment building.

The tow truck driver said he was injured at one point when Smith was trying to drive away, the severity of his injuries are unknown.

Officers arrested Smith and transported him to Wichita County Jail and charged him with aggravated assault.


Source: News Channel 6 Now News


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