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Video Clears Repo Man of Assault Charges and Now Cop Charged with Perjury

WDRB 41 Louisville News


Louisville, KY – 8 October, 2015 – An LMPD officer accused of lying to a grand jury took the stand again Wednesday to defend herself.

In September of 2013, Leslee Wagner and her husband Larry, who was also an LMPD officer at the time, arrested Adam Hannahs at their apartment complex.

Records state a car alarm was going off.

Hannahs claimed to be there to repossess that car.

The Wagners were both off duty at the time but claim Hannahs was uncooperative with them — so they arrested him and charged him with assault, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Hannahs was later indicted as a result of Leslee Wagner’s testimony to a grand jury.KY_perjury_video

But later, video surfaced that Hannahs took during the incident.

It shows a confrontation between Hannahs and the Wagners.

“I will place you under arrest if you don’t give me an ID,” said Larry Wagner.

“For what?” asked Hannahs.

“Get on the Godd**** ground motherf*****. Now,” said Leslee Wagner in the video.

At some point, you can hear Leslee Wagner yelling profanities as she threatens to shoot Hannahs in the face.

“I’m going to shoot you in your f****** face you re****.”

An internal LMPD investigation found Wagner’s testimony does not match with what the video shows.

Wagner claimed on the stand Wednesday that Hannahs pushed her on the night of his arrest.

“He shoved me with his arm and I fall back and I tripped over that curb,” she said.

Wagner_trialShe also told the jury Hannahs was armed with a knife.

Wagner argues she did not knowingly lie to the grand jury.

“I did not intentionally make any false statements at my grand jury testimony,” said Wagner

But prosecutors say Wagner lied on the stand to cover up her mistakes.

“You thought he said ‘f*** you, You ain’t the police. I don’t give a f****. That badge ain’t good enough.’ And then coincidentally your husband said he said that exact same thing,” said prosecutor Critt Cunningham.

Since the video surfaced, Hannahs charges have been dropped.

Wagner faces perjury and false swearing charges.

Her husband Larry Wagner is no longer with LMPD.

Wagner is still employed by LMPD.

She’s been re-assigned to the cold case homicide unit.

Closing arguments will begin Thursday morning and the jury will decide a verdict.

Source: WDRB.COM

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