
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Repo Man Bit, Punched and Loses Repo

punch_fc2Myrtle Beach , SC – August 22, 2014 – An unnamed Myrtle Beach Repo Man, claims he was assaulted by a woman and members of her family during a repossession attempt on a BMW that went bad.

When arriving at the residence, the unnamed Repo Man was in the process of checking the the Vehicle Identification Number, when a woman came out of the house and asked what he was doing.

When he advised her that he was repossessing the car, the woman allegedly claimed that the car was not hers.

Noticing that the keys were in the ignition, the Repo Man attempted to get into the car. That’s when the woman allegedly attempted to block the car door.

According to two of the woman’s relatives, the Repo Man then pushed the woman and that is when they jumped in and started pushing him back.

According to the police report, this is when the woman, bit him on his back while one of her relatives punched him on the face.

The Repo Man reported that during the ruckus another man came around the corner of the house holding a pistol.

The woman finally managed to get into the car and she drive away.

The case has been presented to a magistrate for consideration of charges and warrant.

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