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Vigilant Solutions, Inc. Files Lawsuit against MVTRAC

lawsuit_iconTyler, TX – May 12, 2014 – In a new lawsuit, Vigilant Solutions, Inc., as the majority shareholder of Digital Recognition Network (DRN), filed a three count Patent Infringement complaint against DRN’s major competitor, MVTRAC on May 8th in the Eastern District Federal Court in Tyler, TX.

Vigilant Solutions, Inc., is claiming patent right infringements have been knowingly breached by MVTRAC and is requesting a jury trial for monetary damages to be determined in court. The patents held by Vigilant Solutions, have been held since 2010-2011 and include the method in which license plate data is captured from one moving target vehicle to the LPR reader on the capture vehicle.

DRN and Vigilant have a substantial number of patents, approved, pending approval and licensed, that cover the spectrum of intellectual property for the processes, data use and analytics related to LPR technology and other image capture technologies.  These Patents are in place to ensure the effective and lawful use of technology that has fallen under intense legislative scrutiny and best process standards.  DRN has led the charge nationally to ensure the lawful use of ALPR technology and is recognized for clearing the way for operators of DRN’s solutions to continue to operate in a very challenging legislative climate.  DRNs patent holdings allow their Customers and Affiliates to have the confidence of using the technology and solutions without violation of any patent infringement laws.

Read The Complaint Here! >  MVtrac litigation

This makes it the second lawsuit against MVTRAC by Vigilant and DRN. MVTRAC filed an anti-trust lawsuit against DRN in 2011 which was followed by a counter suit against MVTRAC. Both parties had announced a transaction between MVTRAC, DRN and Vigilant, involving a license of MVTRAC’s ALPR historical tracking patent in 2012.  Vigilant and DRN’s patent portfolio for LPR Technology is regarded and the most comprehensive in the industry and a threshold that must be attained to operate lawfully.

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3 thoughts on “Vigilant Solutions, Inc. Files Lawsuit against MVTRAC

  1. As the CEO, I’m not concerned about a frivolous lawsuit concerning patents we could not infringe upon and I’d suggest to anyone to look at the motivations of our competitor.

    MVCONNECT, LLC has been gaining a significant market share of our competitors’ affiliates and Forwarders and they know it. MVTRAC is at an all-time high for Subscriptions and installations and every day, the tsunami means we are growing significantly more than our competitors. Forwarders alike are adding more VINs to The Intelligent Data Network (TM) every day and will continue to build upon our already large database. There’s no doubt to the keen eye, the lawsuit filed is intended to negatively impact MV’s substantial momentum in the marketplace and stop the bleed on the flood of affiliates moving to our products and services.

    We will continue to protect ourselves from this frivolous suit while protecting the needs of the Recovery Industry and uplifting their revenues and resources; your revenues and resources. When your competitor is grasping at straws to fight against you, I’ll take that as a badge of honor and wear it well.

    Any DRN Affiliate tired of being beaten into submission, having your revenues diminish literally before your eyes while your competitor picks up the car you were suppose to recover, join a real team and come to MVTRAC now!

  2. While I will not pretend to know what this is about yet (still reading), I find it suspect that Vigilant Solutions is the one bringing this action. Wasn’t just a year or so ago that MVTRAC settled it’s lawsuit against DRN? MVTRAC, instead of putting DRN out of business, sold them a license agreement when the court ruled that DRN was the violator of patient rights! MVTRAC shocked everyone by making this move and allowing DRN to continue to operate. MVTRAC realized that many recovery agencies would have been financially devastated had MVTRAC not sold DRN that license agreement, resulting in those recovery agencies’ ALPR systems to become worthless.

    In Mr. Jackson’s response here, I do remember a lot of the recovery agents who had DRN systems being very upset with DRN during this past year’s NARS convention. Many agents expressed their displeasure and lack of trust with DRN and many were talking about switching to MVTRAC.

    Another suspect thing I have noticed is that the patient Vigilant is referring to is a 2010/2011 patient. That is 4 to 5 years ago! They have waited until now to bring this action?!

    I’m no attorney, but it seems to me that if my company (or a company I am the major owner of) looses a law suit against my competitor, and that competitor insted of putting me out of business, sells me a license so that I can stay in business, for me to turn around and sue my competitor for an issue that is 5 years old because I have upset so many of my subscribers to such a degree that they are leaving me to go with my competitor and I am loosing profit share…well for me to act like that, not only makes me a petty person, but really shows my true colors as a company.

    What I don’t think Vigilant or DRN have yet to learn is that their subscribers are recovery agents. Recovery agents deal with liars, B.S. artists, and manipulators all day, every day. You can not B.S. a B.S’er …..DRN tried it a few years ago at NARS when they treated their subscribers like garbage and then not only stated they had learned their lesson, but things would be different….Really?……Still waiting on the “different”.

    Based on the information provided so far, I would have to agree with Mr. Jackson on this one.

  3. While I will not pretend to know what this is about yet (still reading), I find it suspect that Vigilant Solutions is the one bringing this action. Wasn’t just a year or so ago that MVTRAC settled it’s lawsuit against DRN? MVTRAC, instead of putting DRN out of business, sold them a license agreement when the court ruled that DRN was the violator of patient rights! MVTRAC shocked everyone by making this move and allowing DRN to continue to operate. MVTRAC realized that many recovery agencies would have been financially devastated had MVTRAC not sold DRN that license agreement, resulting in those recovery agencies’ ALPR systems to become worthless.

    In Mr. Jackson’s response here, I do remember a lot of the recovery agents who had DRN systems being very upset with DRN during this past year’s NARS convention. Many agents expressed their displeasure and lack of trust with DRN and many were talking about switching to MVTRAC.

    Another suspect thing I have noticed is that the patient Vigilant is referring to is a 2010/2011 patient. That is 4 to 5 years ago! They have waited until now to bring this action?!

    I’m no attorney, but it seems to me that if my company (or a company I am the major owner of) looses a law suit against my competitor, and that competitor insted of putting me out of business, sells me a license so that I can stay in business, for me to turn around and sue my competitor for an issue that is 5 years old because I have upset so many of my subscribers to such a degree that they are leaving me to go with my competitor and I am loosing profit share…well for me to act like that, not only makes me a petty person, but really shows my true colors as a company.

    What I don’t think Vigilant or DRN have yet to learn is that their subscribers are recovery agents. Recovery agents deal with liars, B.S. artists, and manipulators all day, every day. You can not B.S. a B.S’er …..DRN tried it a few years ago at NARS when they treated their subscribers like garbage and then not only stated they had learned their lesson, but things would be different….Really?……Still waiting on the “different”.

    Based on the information provided so far, I would have to agree with Mr. Jackson on this one.

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