
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Two Repo Women Run Down By Borrower

rakia_lwisJennings, LA – May 24, 2013 – 23 year old Rakia Lewis is facing two counts of attempted manslaughter after she allegedly ran over two female repo agents at a car wash.

According to police, Rakia Lewis, 23, was approached by two female employees from an unnamed repossession company at a car wash on South Andrews Street Thursday morning. Police claim that one employee was standing near Lewis’ open driver’s side door and allegedly managed to get in while the other employee stood behind the vehicle’s rear bumper.

Authorities report that the repossession employees advised Lewis that they were there to repossess the vehicle, but an argument ensued and the woman closest to the car attempted to get the keys. Lewis put the car in reverse and sped away running down the woman at the rear bumper and the one by the open door.

One woman reportedly received significant injuries yet both were treated and released.

Rakia Lewis has been charged with two counts of attempted manslaughter and is currently in the Jennings Jail.

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7 thoughts on “Two Repo Women Run Down By Borrower

  1. I know of this situation other than what is being portrayed in this article. First of all was not a repossession it was a recovery of a leased vehicle that did not belong to rakia. Second rakia was fully aware the vehicle was trying to be recovered and told leasing company they would never find vehicle. Third the women did not try to grab keys or get in car she made an effort to grab anything she could to keep from being ran over after the car had began to take off. There was no breach of peace that occurred here to inform whomever wrote that comment. One women was severally injured suffering from 9 broken ribs and a broken pealvish. My prayers go out to these women for there injuries and that justice will be searved. This is one prime example of what society has come to this women was not entitled to this car no one is entitled to a vehicle you have to pay for it.

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