Trail Blazing at REPO2024 Texas or Bust!
REPO2024 ♦ June 24 – 26 ♦ Ft. Worth, TX

RSIG was the first to bring former special agent Joe Navarro of the FBI to a repossession industry event to tackle situational awareness, de-escalation and field safety for agents because of the increased violence against repossessors. We are thrilled that he agreed last fall to join us again this year at REPO2024! In working with Joe in preparation for this event, he continues to be shocked about the circumstances that repossessors find themselves in.
Allied and RSIG were the first to bring in person Electric Vehicle training and NARCAN Training specifically to the repossession industry at REPO23 – and are proud that our efforts to bring this information to the forefront of in the industry are still prevalent today.
Our propensity to remain trail blazers and to make sure we bring you industry focused speakers and topics continues as we announce a topic to our REPO2024 agenda. The Dallas office of the IRS will be providing a speaker to discuss the 2024 changes to the definition of what is an independent contractor and the impact those changes will have on businesses.
Changes to the definition of what an independent contractor is and is not have far reaching implications and impacts beyond just payroll taxes. This impacts insurance availability, workers’ compensation requirements, and obviously costs to businesses.
The Recovery Agents Benefit Fund receives applications frequently when repossessors are injured on the job and one of the first questions is about workers compensation. Most of the time, repo company management and owners say the company doesn’t have work comp or the driver wasn’t covered by work comp because he/she is an independent contractor.
Having a true understanding of what an independent contractor is and what isn’t is vital to your business and we are here to help you get more information so you understand what it could mean to your business!
REPO2024 is about more than just business though. We also know that many times repossessors and their families don’t get time away, so while getting the education and training vital to your company, while networking with other industry professional repossessors, lenders, clients and vendors, you can also see all that Ft. Worth has to offer; including joining in on the Cattle Drive at the Stock Yards.
We will be providing transportation from the host hotel to the Ft. Worth Stockyards where you can use your conference badge to get discounts at local shops, restaurants and bars and witness The Ft. Worth Herd of Long Horn Steer daily cattle drive through the streets of the Stockyards Historical District.
REPO2024 (June 24-26 in Ft. Worth, TX) Conference registration is now open at, and you can make your hotel reservations early to make sure you save even more by getting the fantastic group rate of only $129 per night with no resort fees and no parking fees!
Get registered today for REPO2024 at – hotel rooms are selling quickly and once they’re gone, they’re gone! So don’t wait! Register now!
Click here to get registered today:!
And once you’re registered for the conference, go here to Book your group rate for REPO2024!
Get registered at and save big!
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