
Where the repossession industry gets its news

The Repo Industry Lost a Friend and a Good Man Today

lee1Corona, CA – June 18, 2014 – After a long fight with cancer, Lee McDaniel, owner of Eagle Recovery in Corona, CA, passed away.

Lee was a little league coach and father of 7. Lee was also credited with locating

I will always remember Lee as a friend and a man that welcomed me back into the repossession industry in 2010. I am so fortunate that Lee came to NARS in March of this year. He knew what was coming and handled it like a real man.

The highlight of NARS for me, was our dinner with his son and several of the younger guys of the industry at Buffalo Wild Wings.

God bless you Lee and I pray to see you on the other side my friend.

The Press Eneterprise wrote a great piece on Lee and how he was the man who spotted and alerted police on the location of cop killer Christopher Dorner.lee_famlee_ll

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1 thought on “The Repo Industry Lost a Friend and a Good Man Today

  1. My love and prayers for the Lord’s comfort go out to the McDaniel family. Lee was a great man and awesome friend. We didn’t always agree, but we could always talk it out. I will miss Lee and offer whatever support to the family and his son that I can.

    Lee and I had some really great talks and this past NARS was no exception. I had the pleasure of meeting his son and really liked the young man. Lee was pleased with his life’s work and knew he was leaving his family as best he could.

    Lee loved this industry. Even though he didn’t like some of the happenings in recent years, he was still proud of all of us and look forward to work everyday.

    Rest is peace Lee….you will not be forgotten.

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