
Where the repossession industry gets its news

The CUCollector 2012 State of the Industry Survey

In 2011 we published the first of our “State of the Industry” surveys for both the collections and repossession industries. The response was good and over the last year, new issues have arisen that we felt worthy of bringing up such as the CFPB and its role in diligence as well as the potential of creating a trade association.

The identities of all participants in this survey will be confidential and not shared with anyone so that you may speak your minds freely. I ask that you pass this survey on to all the collectors and repossession personnel you know so that we can get a large respondent field for the best results.

Just as with last years results, the results of this survey will be released weekly on a topic-by topic basis for better focus on the individual sections.


Repossession Industry Survey  





Collector Survey


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