On March 7, 2025, we received clarification from the Texas Comptroller of Public...
Protecting Agents and Lenders For Texas repossession agencies, mastering the intricate dance between...
March 28, 2025 Hilton-Austin Downtown Tackling Tax Challenges and Empowering Repossession Pros AUSTIN,...
TexasARP is looking for you! “Promote the Accredited Repossessor” We are determined and focused...
“Promote the Accredited Repossessor” We are determined and focused to give clients nothing but...
Repo Taxes in Texas – A Risk to Lenders and Agencies Alike Texas Comptroller...
TexasARP is looking for you! “Promote the Accredited Repossessor” We are determined and focused...
– TexasARP Hosts ARS at First State Association Meeting Earlier this month TexasARP members...
TexasARP intends to follow the AIR lead Happy New Year! Beginning 2023, TexasARP wishes...
Allied Finance Adjusters would like to congratulate the newly elected officers of TexasARP and...
On the morning of November 3rd, 2022, the TexasARP held their annual meeting. Many...
“if they wrong one of us, they wrong us all.” CALR supports the movement...
Dear Primeritus Family of Companies, the Texas Accredited Repossession Professionals (TexasARP) recently reached out...
Resolvion Announces $500 Bonus to Agents From the desk of ARA President, Vaughn...
Here is your chance to WIN money for yourself and RAISE money for REPO...
Read More! TexasARP State Repossession Associations Unite in Quarterly Update
To put it plainly, EVERY charge from a repossessor is taxable to the lender...
“Words create pictures in the mind, and the markings on the side of a...
GUEST EDITORIAL Lenders, it has been mentioned by some of you that you are...
Dear recovery industry professionals, The Collateral Recovery Industry was hit hard by both Federal...
“including newly formed or forming” A zoom meeting for all State Association leaders will...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Repo Alliance is a collaborative fundraising effort initiated and backed...
The leading software to the industry list of agents that service Texas shows there...
November 8 – November 10, 2017 Riverton Country Club Cinnaminson, New Jersey ...