GUEST EDITORIAL As a Professional Recovery Agent. Our main goal is to recover a...
Seems these days there is a day or a month in honor or recognition...
For Sale $31.5M Super-Yacht Declining repossession volume and the pandemic moratoriums took a heavy...
If you want to know the problem, go right to the source! GUEST EDITORIAL...
It’s NOT the contingency model, it is the business operators that are making it...
We can no longer afford to do contingent work. There needs to be a...
Contingency in the news – The Huffington Post Article EDITORIAL With soaring fuel prices...
On the morning of Tuesday the 18th, State leaders representing eighteen states, gathered to...
“People don’t always respond to incentives in the ways you might predict. What distinguishes...
EDITORIAL As the repossession industry continues to experience downward price pressure and continuous unreasonable...
EDITORIAL REBUTTAL Our initial editorial titled “Santander Demands CARS Certification – The Contingent...
EDITORIAL REBUTTAL Before I get started on this article I would be remiss if...
EDITORIAL REBUTTAL I read your editorial regarding Santander/Chrysler and I would like to take...
Editorial We’ve been getting a lot of laughs lately, as well as some copies...
Editorial The other day, I was sent an email from a leader at one...
Guest Editorial In my 30 plus years in the repossession business I have seen...
Guest Editorial I read where a forwarder was offering a fee for a “RESOLUTION”...
Editorial There has been a lot of talk about repo fees; some going down,...