Richland County, SC – June 12, 2024 – Early Wednesday morning, neighbors in the otherwise quiet Galaxy neighborhood awoke to the sound of gunfire. Richland County Sheriff’s deputies were quick to arrive, but it was too late to save the 46-year-old Repo Man who had been shot dead.

Responding to a report of gunfire, Deputies arrived at the residence on the 7200 block of Fairmont Road in the Capitol View neighborhood. There, they arrived to discover a bullet riddled tow truck with its blinkers flashing. Inside, a 46-year-old repossession agent, still alive but gasping for air.
The victim has been identified as 46-year-old Steven Hughes of Lexington. There are reports that he worked for “The South Carolina Tow” company, but no internet evidence of this company exists.
Hughes soon after succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead. Police report that the shooting occurred in the process of a repossession. Neither the lender nor Hughes’s employer is named.
According to neighbor’s testimony, they heard dozens of shots fired before a car sped away from the scene. One neighbors home had been his in the gunfire.

Arrested was 20-year-old Raheem Deangelo Jackson. He has been charged with murder and possession of a firearm during a violent crime by the Richland County Sheriff’s Department. Jackson was transported to the Alvin S Glenn Detention Center.
At a bond hearing Wednesday, the judge did not set a bond because of the severity of the charge. A circuit court judge will need to consider bond in general sessions court at a later date.
There are so far no known fundraisers established at this time. We will continue to keep you posted as more details emerge.
Source: WACH
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