
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Repo Man Injured After Wild Ride on Hood

  Pittsburgh, PA – June 16, 2014 – Repo Man, Michael Engle, is lucky to have only suffered minor injuries after a borrower attempted to run him down at a gas station last week.

McKeesport Police report that Engle was involved in a violent incident with a man at the Speedway Gas Station on Fifth Avenue on Monday afternoon.

The result of the incident sent 42 year old Geoffrey Hyde of Jefferson Hills to jail on charges of aggravated assault and risking a catastrophe.

According to reports, Engle was in possession of a valid repossession order for the car that Hyde was driving, a Chevy Impala.

Police report that Engle approached Hyde near a gas pump, but Hyde sped up and drove directly towards Engle, who was forced to jump onto the hood of the car.

Police who observed the incident reported that Hyde drove recklessly in reverse, and in circles, until Engle was thrown from the car to the ground.

According to the officer said Hyde drove with a total disregard for customers who were nearby.

A witness stated that “They took the driver out, put him on the ground, handcuffed him and searched the car under the front seat,”. “They tried to talk to the guy, but he wouldn’t listen to them.”

Hyde was jailed on a $10,000 bond.

Engle was reportedly shaken up, but, fortunately sustained only abrasions in the incident.

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