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Pregnant Woman Gets Probation for High Jacking Tow Truck and Wreck

davdsn_crtMassillon, OH – January 30, 2013 – The pregnant 21 year old woman who high jacked a Skipco tow truck, crashed it into a nearby house and wrecked it while trying to flee with her repossessed SUV in tow was granted a light sentence.

Sophia Davidson, who was 8 months pregnant at the time of the incident, stood silently as Stark County Common Pleas Judge Taryn Heath, sentenced her to three years probation.

Davidson had pleaded guilty to charges of failure to comply with the order or a signal of a police officer, two counts of grand theft of a motor vehicle, all felonies, and misdemeanor counts of resisting arrest and reckless operation.

The failure to comply charge, the most serious count Davidson is facing, carried a potential sentence of five years in prison.

In addition to the sentencing, Davidson has been ordered to pay restitution in the amounts of $5,287 to the owner of the vacant home that was damaged and $1,000 to Skipco for the damaged tow truck. If Davidson fails to follow the rules of her probation, she could be sentenced to 36 months in prison.

The courts determined Davidson to be a “low risk” to re-offend, which was a factor in the sentence issued.

“I think you had a tremendously bad day, the day of the incident,” Heath told Davidson. “That being said, I still take what you did seriously and there are going to be some consequences.”

On October 2, 2012, Ed Meadows of Skipco reported that he had had hooked up a 2004 Mercury Mountaineer to his tow truck and was puttingskipco_wreck wheel dollies on it when pregnant 21 year old Sophia Davidson jumped into his truck cab and sped away with her all wheel drive in tow.

Davidson reportedly ground the tires off of the rims which ate into the asphalt as police caught up to her and a seven car chase began.

Police report that the chase reached speeds of up to 65 MPH and ended when she crashed the tow truck into a vacant house.

Upon approaching the wrecked tow truck, Davidson resisted officers and wouldn’t get out of the truck forcing officers to break a window, drag her out and wrestle her to the ground.

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4 thoughts on “Pregnant Woman Gets Probation for High Jacking Tow Truck and Wreck

  1. For all the lives she jeopardized while speeding with only the rims on the Mountaineer, plus the damages to the house and truck,resisting arrest, -she got a very light penalty…more anti-Repossession bias by the legal system?

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