
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Please Say a Prayer for one of Our Own

pray_hndsOn Monday, February 11, 2013, the son of one of our well respected and long time industry leaders goes in to Tampa General Hospital for some critical and crucial surgery in an attempt to alleviate constant pain he has been enduring for these past two years. This man has asked not to be named nor his son. As he put it “the Man upstairs already knows who it is.”

On his behalf, we ask you all for one simple request. It is that the members of this industry hold his son in their thoughts and prayers, for a minute.

“I pray to my Lord to please watch over this man and see that his pain is relieved and that he is delivered safely into the arms of his loved ones.”






Kevin Armstrong


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9 thoughts on “Please Say a Prayer for one of Our Own

  1. Psalm 41:3
    The LORD sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.

    LORD Please be with them in this time of need and healing

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