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New Report Refutes Misinformation about License Plate Recognition Technology

In a new presentation by NetChoice, a trade association of eCommerce businesses and online consumers all of whom share the goal of promoting convenience, choice, and commerce on the net, they provide an excellent presentation debunking the many contradictory and misleading statements the ACLU has been making about Automated license plate recognition (LPR) Technology.

New presentation explains LPR technology, debunks myths and reveals a tool that solves crime and protects Americans while respecting privacy.lpr_not_being_tracked


Automated license plate recognition (LPR) technology is a powerful, lawful tool that helps solve crimes and protect victims in a manner that respects drivers’ privacy, according to a new interactive presentation published by NetChoice.


The presentation ( offers a direct rebuttal to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) presentation that fueled false fears about LPR technology through speculation and outright misinformation. LPR opponents are now using the misleading ACLU presentation to push for anti-LPR laws at state and federal levels.


“When you strip away the misinformation and speculation, you’re left with a technology that works exactly as intended and poses no credible threat to privacy,” DelBianco said. “Legislated technology mandates are typically bad ideas, but they’re even worse when they restrict technology that’s helping public safety officials in communities across the country.”


lpr_mapThe presentation confirms that LPR is not equipped to identify drivers, since the cameras used for LPR are designed to focus on license plates, not windshields. LPR technology does not “track” drivers, but rather simply records plates – which are by their very nature public. It also details the strong legal framework that already protects the privacy of vehicle owners, as well as the narrow and limited nature of LPR cameras and databases.


The presentation also reveals that contrary to ACLU claims, access to personal information about owners and drivers is already tightly restricted by the federal Drivers Privacy Protection Act.


Finally, the presentation details real world instances in which LPR data has been used to catch criminals and rescue crime victims, such as an abducted child.


NetChoice is a public policy advocacy organization that promotes Internet innovation and communication and fights threats to online commerce at state, federal and international levels. The Washington, DC-based group protects Internet commerce-driven competition and battles rules that hinder consumer choice and hurt small businesses. For more information, see

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1 thought on “New Report Refutes Misinformation about License Plate Recognition Technology

  1. FINALLY!!! I have always said , I dont care if the Pope is driving the collateral. I simply “want the car”. Thanks for a voice of reason.
    Scott Patterson

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