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New Processes for a New Outlook with

New Processes for a New Outlook with
New Processes for a New Outlook with

After three years of sluggish repossession volume, assignment levels are on the rise once again.  

But higher assignment volume doesn’t necessarily lead to a higher recovery rate, arguably the most important metric to track for any repossession agency.  In fact, the opposite usually happens – a significant increase in volume generally leads to lower recovery rates.  

There are many reasons for this, including strains on staffing, equipment, lot capacity, etc. Data analysis is the only way to maintain and improve recovery rates as assignment volume grows. is the road map to get you there. 

But as much as we LOVE, don’t take our word for it.  Listen to our users, many of whom you probably know. Users: Inside the Numbers 

We were privileged to present several breakout sessions at NARS 2024.  In preparation, we wanted to look at a ‘before-and-after’ comparison of our users’ business performance.  We looked at the top key performance indicators (KPIs) from two timeframes: 

  • The leading year before using Insightt VS The trailing year after using Insightt.  

What we found was remarkable.  

First, users showed a 37.5% average increase in repossession assignment volume between these time periods. 

This rise in assignment volume shows that the market has improved industry wide.  But drilling down, it demonstrates that, now more than ever, there is an opportunity to maximize income through efficiencies, for companies who are prepared.  Clients are looking closely at performance, so you should be too.

New Processes for a New Outlook with

The Opportunity

These statistics are across ALL users: 

  • Insightt users showed an average 8% increase in recovery rates, despite the massive increase in volume assignments. Many showed increases of over 20%.
  • Insightt users showed an average -5.4% decrease in average days to repossession
  • Insightt users’ field agents recovered, on average, 15.1% more units per month.

High assignment volume is a double-edged sword.

If you have it and can maintain it, you will profit. However, if you lose control, that increased volume will soon disappear because of client dissatisfaction.  Even worse, early success may lead to the purchase of new equipment, new leases for lot storage, or other capital expenditures, in an effort to ramp up for greater volume.  The danger lies in losing that additional volume because recovery performance drops.  

Key takeaway: allows you to maintain high recovery rates WITH high volume. 

But how?‘ you might ask.

Insightt provides immediate clarity of the most important recovery business metrics –  KPIs in real-time – which makes it much easier to ‘steer the ship’. Our clients report a marked performance improvement since their implementation.

New Processes for a New Outlook with

The numbers tell the story.  

Insightt client companies outperform those who are still operating in the old paradigm of doing business. Clients are carefully watching the numbers, and we must as well. 

It’s amazing to see the difference Insightt makes. 

  • Your business becomes easier to run
  • Increased Agent Productivity
  • Increased Recovery Rate
  • Increased Operations Efficiency
  • Decreased Days to Repo
  • Increased Scans
  • Completely eliminate the need to pull reports
  • Generates additional $227+ per agent per month after subscription

It’s costly to staff an expert to dig through your data to provide a meaningful understanding of operations (trust us, we’ve done it).   

For less than a monthly minimum wage employee, Insightt is available 24/7 to bring clarity to every aspect of your recovery business.

Don’t take our word for it.  Some of our clients are well-known, very successful agency owners.  Listen to what they have to say. 


But what if you’re a smaller business?

If you’re a small recovery business looking to leverage the rising tide of assignments and grow your business responsibly and sustainably, Insightt is an absolute must.  Think of Insightt as an instrument panel from which you can profitably steer the ship (your business) in the dark through the incoming waves of assignments.  It tells you exactly what to focus on and what to ignore so you don’t end up “majoring in the minor things”.

If you are on the fence, take Insightt for a test drive for 30 days, no strings attached.  If you don’t see the value, just call us and cancel, no questions asked.   

All we ask is that you give it an honest go, but if you’re not interested in growing your business or tweaking your operations a bit because “we’ve always done it this way”, we’re likely not a good fit. 

Join the elite recovery businesses in our industry, click the link below to start your free test drive.  You’ll be very glad you did. 

See you on the other side!


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