Resolvion Announces $500 Bonus to Agents
From the desk of ARA President, Vaughn Clemmons
To The Repossession Industry and ARA Membership,
One of my goals as President of the ARA this year is to expand and improve on communicating with every sector of our industry. As the national trade association of the recovery industry, it is incumbent upon us to expand our leadership in addressing concerns and opportunities that we perceive are important to all of us.
Earlier this month, TexasARP hosted a luncheon in Dallas, Texas. I went there on behalf of the American Recovery Association (ARA), and was joined by several Texas agents, and the leadership of ALS. The leadership of Resolvion; fka ALS Resolvion, included its CEO, Scott Darling, Executive Vice President, Ronald Eubanks, CTO, Rod Browning, and Vice President of Post Repossession, Danny Mullen.
One of the subjects discussed at our ARA Industry Roundtable series is how do we, as an industry, create a profitable and sustainable model that benefits all sides. Obviously, increasing the recovery rates is one of the most beneficial aspects for our lending community. We appreciate that ALS Resolvion invited us to discuss how we can work together to make this initiative a success.
This past week, Scott Darling shared news about an initiative that Wells Fargo presented to all of their nationwide forwarding vendors last week. This was the very first time we were introduced to the program.
For ALL assignments (vol, Invol, impound) placed between August 15 and November 15, Wells Fargo is offering an additional $500 per recovery in 44 states plus DC. This fee does not include the $40 fuel surcharge currently in place, mileage needed, and/or flatbed if requested. Excluded States: Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington
It is incumbent upon us, as recovery professionals, to improve the performance of Wells Fargo portfolio and demonstrate that fair compensation benefits the bottom line across the board. I believe that one of the priorities of the ARA is to be a provider of information and resources that enable our members to be more successful businesspeople.
It has long been ARA’s position that forming strong bonds with every stakeholder in our industry furthers our efforts to establish industry standards that will bring mutual positive change to the collateral recovery industry. We believe these types of initiatives are exactly where we become an integral part of the solution for all sectors.
Seize this opportunity to affirm that correcting economic imbalances is key to sustaining repossession agencies and strengthening the industry for all stakeholders.
We extend our appreciation to ALS Resolvion for being a good partner in this endeavor.
Very truly yours,
Vaughn Clemmons,
American Recovery Association
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