
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Repo Employees Get Kicked in the Shins, Lose Car

kck_n_shnLaGrange, TX – 7 September 2016 – An employee with Wilder Recovery Inc. reported she was kicked several times Tuesday night about 10:50 p.m. while trying to repossess a car from a home in the 100 block of Ridgefield Circle.

She and another employee told LaGrange police they had a pick up order for a 2006 Nissan Altima and located the car behind the house, according to the police report.

The employee got into the vehicle when the car owner suddenly jumped into the passenger seat, the report stated.

The car owner then started kicking the employee in the ankles and legs, the victim stated. The employee got out of the car and the owner jumped into the driver’s seat and drove off.

Both employees told officers this was the third time they tried to repossess the vehicle from its owner.

Police are investigating.


Source: Daily News, LaGrange

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