
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Borrower Drives over the Arm of Repo Man

Scranton, PA – 29 March 2018 – A Hill Section man drove over the arm of a repo man who was under his Lexus preparing to tow it away, police said.

Stan Dombrowski, 50, couldn’t drive away because the Lexus was already partially hooked up to Frank Spigarelli’s tow truck. The car moved enough to briefly pin Spigarelli’s arm and jacket under a tire, according to police.

Spigarelli was under the car to finish fastening a tow chain. He reported tingling and a sensation akin to his arm falling asleep, but declined medical treatment.

The incident happened Feb. 27 about 10:20 p.m. Dombrowski was charged Tuesday with simple assault, recklessly endangering another person, harassments and reckless driving, according to court records. A preliminary hearing is slated for May 1. Bail information was not immediately available.


Source: The Times Tribune

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