
Where the repossession industry gets its news

An Insider’s View of the 2013 PBUS Winter Conference

pbusGuest Editorial

Greetings from the great state of Alabama ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!

I have just returned home from the 2013 Professional Bail Agents of the United States Winter Conference that was held in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the Mirage Resort and Casino.  I find myself eagerly anticipating this gathering each year, knowing that the PBUS Board works all year to put on an event that provides needed education and training to its members.  It is a full three days of classes from 8:00AM to 6:00PM, that are geared to helping participants become better at their trade and become more profitable.

Great effort is expended to bring in experts on branding, marketing, business planning, skip-tracing, current and future regulations affecting the industry, and so much more.  The event is free from infighting and politics, and it focuses on what’s important to the industry and its members.  I was honored to be asked to participate in a panel discussion on Electronic Skip-tracing with some of the best skip-tracers the industry has ever known.  We worked on real cases, and two sessions were held for attendees.

A sit-up and listen moment came when Steve Rambam fully engaged the audiences with his ode to the death of privacy presentation entitled, “Privacy is Dead – Get Over It: Counter Intelligence and Safety Issues”.  Mr. Rambam’s credentials include his leadership of the international investigative agency, Pallorium, Inc., an enduring and much publicized industry-leading organization with offices and affiliates in multiple areas of the country, whose investigations have been integral in the apprehension of financial industry fraudsters sought by the likes of the FBI.

During typical conference lectures it is not uncommon to witness participants taking calls, answering emails, and generally leaving their seats.  With a lecture lasting three hours, the usual distractions and departures among the audience could be forgiven and even expected.  Yet Mr. Rambam’s information-packed presentation on skip-tracing techniques seemed to magically glue the attendees to their seats as he captured their attention and ran with it.  If you ever have a chance to see him in person, do yourself a favor and BE THERE!  Bring a pad of paper, a pen and some Tylenol for the case of writer’s cramp that will inevitably result from your own efforts to document the gems of knowledge that he bestows on an audience craving enlightenment.

Other equally relevant classes for attendees were: Courtroom Etiquette Training by Judge Leslie, Working with the U.S. Marshals Service by Mr. Denny Behrend, Pretrial Release Campaign by Dennis Bartlett & Melanie Ledgerwood, Internet Marketing with AboutBail by Rick Casta, Ebonds for Immigration Enforcement by Carl Albritton. This is just a sampling of the offerings available to the attendees.  Along with the requisite continuing education classes, participants gained invaluable knowledge to take back to their offices to bolster their own potential to increase revenue and reduce liability.

An added benefit to attending a gathering of this sort is the opportunity to find vendors that could become an asset to an agent’s operation.  I was pleasantly surprised to discover an up-and-coming new vendor at the show called  They impressed me with their nifty new technology, and with the promise of good things to come through their “one-stop-shop” approach.

It is this writer’s honor to serve the members of PBUS and to be a part of an association that fosters the development and viability of its members.  Great speakers, relevant topics, and current information came together fluidly in a venue primed for productive networking and fellowship. The event was refreshingly free of the politics that have plagued and crippled other organizations.  The cohesive efforts of the leadership of PBUS should provide a blueprint for all industry organizations that are truly invested in the success and the professionalism of their members.

Although I have just departed the event, I am anticipating 2014’s conference, because this year’s conference functioned as a springboard for future growth and development.

Until Next Time…. Follow me down the path to better skip-tracing!!










Alex Price

Master Hunter


Alex Price is a nationally-recognized expert on the Art of Skip Tracing and author of Skip Tracers National Certification Program with over 25+ years of experience in skip-tracing, collections and public speaking.  Alex began his career with Barnett Bank as a field representative collecting past-due accounts. He then moved to World Omni Finance, where over the next ten years he worked in all aspects of collections and handling the nationwide charge-off skip portfolio.


Contact Info: , Office: (972) 735-2353, Fax: (972) 735-2354                                                              


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